Mo Bath Salts Please

4 Bathtub packet
Bulk Bathtub

Inspired by our customers that suffer from Fibromyalgia, this is the ultimate answer when you are hurting everywhere and don’t even know where to start applying the lotion! Questions came rolling in of “Can I put the lotion in the tub?” No. Please do not. The capsaicin is too strong for ‘sensitive’ areas and would cause a burning sensation! The definite answer here is to soak in Mo Bath Salts Please! It eliminates total body pain in about 2 minutes of soaking time! 

We only use pure Himalayan Pink and Mediterranean Sea Salts. (Epson salts increase blood sugar, so anyone suffering from diabetes should NEVER soak in Epson!) 

In times of duress pain, it is recommended to soak in Mo Bath Salts Please!, then apply Mos’ Dream Cream to problematic areas, then rest! Give your body time to rejuvenate

and restore!

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