Mos Dream Cream

Dream Cream Lotion

Hands down, Mos’ Dream Cream, which is a lotion, covers ALL pain types. It is non-greasy and the absorption rate is incredibly fast. The lotion base is glycerin, which makes it a runny consistency. This is so that the lotion absorbs faster, with the apothecary blend going where it needs to go. For fastest relief of very intense pain, Fibromyalgia and Arthritis, always choose Mos’ Dream Cream. Because of the fermented cayenne, always wash hands after use to prevent contact with eyes. 

When dealing with congestion from cold/flu, Mos’ Dream Cream should be applied to chest, throat and back. Cayenne, wintergreen, clove and tangerine are all individually very effective in combating congestion – but combined there is no better! With facial congestion, apply sparingly along cheekbones and above eyebrows (in front of ears if congestion extends to ears). Drink plenty of fluids and kiss that cold goodbye in record time! 

3.15 oz Bottle
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